Vol.3 , No. 1, Publication Date: Jun. 3, 2017, Page: 1-7
[1] | S. A. Tweib, Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, Higher Institute of Sciences and Technology, Soq Alkamis, Msehel, Libya. |
[2] | A. Y. A. Alhaj, Department of Life Sciences, Azzaytuna University, Bani Walid, Libya. |
[3] | M. A. Elahmer, Department of Medicinal Plant, Biotechnology Research Center (BTRC), Tripoli, Libya. |
[4] | F. A. Abdussamad, Department of Food Life Sciences, Biotechnology Research Center (BTRC), Tripoli, Libya. |
[5] | A. M. Fellah, Department of Research & Scientific Studies, Biotechnology Research Center (BTRC), Tripoli, Libya. |
This research is conducted to improve the water quality of oxidation pond using biofilm reactor. Another goal to be achieved is to compare the water effluent to the water quality standard in Libya as well as studying the condition of water experimentally to analyze critical parameters that identify the water quality. This study included: studying efficiency of biofilm in treating effluent, determination of the most suitable conditions, i.e. HRT for polishing effluent and obtaining the percentage removal of COD, NH3-N, NO3-N and TSS. The potential of biofilm reactor is to remedy toxic liquid effluents, especially as the chlorinated organics of the waste water has gained remarkable reorganization. Biofilm reactors have biomass activity even at a very low concentration of the target organics which rendering the reactor more efficient for the purpose of removing toxic compounds in waste water. However, bio film process has been found to be less sensitive to the presence of toxic compounds and to the laboratory materials and more resistant to shock loading then to disperse growth system. Such characteristics are essential as the floor space become expensive and yet there is a great need to treat and polish industries effluents before reuse.
Biofilm Reactor, Media (EMM) and NH3-N, COD, NO3-N and TSS
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