ISSN Print: 2381-1013  ISSN Online: 2381-1021
American Journal of Agricultural Science  
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Effect of Nixtamalization on Nutritional and Microbial Quality of Selected Food Stuff
American Journal of Agricultural Science
Vol.4 , No. 5, Publication Date: Aug. 25, 2017, Page: 94-98
866 Views Since August 25, 2017, 837 Downloads Since Aug. 25, 2017

Okeke Kingsley Susan, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, the Federal Polytechnic, Bida, Nigeria.


Sadiq Umar Maryam, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, the Federal Polytechnic, Bida, Nigeria.


Odor Chinenye Blessing, Department of Hospitality, Leisure and Tourism Management, the Federal Polytechnic, Bida, Nigeria.


Richard UyieforJosephine, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, the Federal Polytechnic, Bida, Nigeria.


This study was aimed at evaluating the effect of nixtamal on the nutritional and microbial quality of some food stuff. Samples of okro and beans were cooked with potash. The untreated okro and beans as a control. The samples were analysed for proximate, mineral and total bacterial count content. Result obtained shows that variation (p<0.05) in the effect of potash on the proximate and mineral content of okro and beans as well as drastic reduction in microbial load of the food stuff. Protein content % ranges from 21.85-19.03 for beans and 2.48-2.76 for okro. A reduction of mineral was seen in mineral content of okro but potash enhanced mineral content of beans. Hence, the use of potash is said to improve certain food stuff but destroy nutrient of others. It is recommended that permissible concentration of potash should be determined to avoid adverse effect of the usage of this chemical in food preparation.


Nixtamalization, Potash, Permissible Concentration, Beans, Okro


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