ISSN Print: 2381-1013  ISSN Online: 2381-1021
American Journal of Agricultural Science  
Manuscript Information
Evaluation of Phyto-Chemical Remediation Approaches to Remedy Hydrocarbon from Oil Polluted Soils and Their Impact on Soil Microbial Communities Using RAPD and ISSR Markers
American Journal of Agricultural Science
Vol.3 , No. 3, Publication Date: Jun. 15, 2016, Page: 48-58
2885 Views Since June 15, 2016, 1492 Downloads Since Jun. 15, 2016

Shreen S. Ahmed, Soils, Water and Environment Research Institute, ARC, Giza, Egypt.


Mohamed A. M. Atia, Genome Mapping Department, Agricultural Genetic Engineering Research Institute, ARC, Giza, Egypt.


Gehan H. Abd El-Aziz, Soils, Water and Environment Research Institute, ARC, Giza, Egypt.


Ashraf H. Fahmy, Plant Genetic Transformation Department, Agricultural Genetic Engineering Research Institute, ARC, Giza, Egypt.


Soil contamination by petroleum hydrocarbons is one of the world’s most common environmental problems. Remediation of the petroleum contaminated soil is essential to maintain the sustainable development of soil ecosystem. In this study, we evaluate the efficiency of different Phyto-chemical approaches for cleaning up hydrocarbon contaminated soils and their effect on the soil properties, soil microbial communities structure, grain yield, chemical composition of wheat plants (Triticum aestivum L). The experiment included five treatments: phytoremediation (Phyto) and Phyto combination with organic and inorganic compound. The degradation rate of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPHs) was in the following ascending order: Phyto + nitrogen (16.7%), phytoremediation (40.0%), Phyto + potassium permanganate (61.5%), Phyto + bacteria (63.7%), Phyto + humic acid (76.0%). Results revealed that yield, protein, fat, macronutrients contents were decreased whereas; carbohydrate was increased as applied of TPH in the soil compare to the control. Results also revealed that wheat grain that grown in contaminated soil (Phyto) had higher concentrations of total petroleum hydrocarbon compare to unpolluted soil (control) and Phyto combinations with organic and inorganic compound treatments. It can be concluded that Phyto combination with humic acid, bacteria and potassium permanganate was more effective for cleaning up hydrocarbon contaminated soils than phytoremediation treatment separately. On the other hand, Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and Inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSR) molecular marker systems were used to survey and explore the diversity of soil microbial communities under different Phyto-chemical treatments. Cluster analysis based on combined data of RAPD and ISSR fingerprinting was discussed. The molecular phylogeny results exhibited the ability to differentiate and track genetic variations in bacterial populations. Such approaches represent a fundamental step for studying structure and dynamics of microbial communities in contaminated ecosystems.


Phytoremediation, Phyto-chemical Remediation, Petroleum Hydrocarbons, RAPD, ISSR, Soil Microbial Communities


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