ISSN Print: 2381-1013  ISSN Online: 2381-1021
American Journal of Agricultural Science  
Manuscript Information
Soil Information System by Using Landsat TM and ASTER Images - Larrache - Morocco
American Journal of Agricultural Science
Vol.3 , No. 1, Publication Date: Mar. 2, 2016, Page: 1-10
4184 Views Since March 1, 2016, 1623 Downloads Since Mar. 1, 2016

Ibrahim W., Waad Ibrahim, German Archeological Institute- Friedrich Hinkel Research Center, Podbielski Allee, Berlin, Germany.


Alessandro V., Valeria Alessandro, Geomatic and Natural Resource Department, (IAO) Agronomic Institute for Overseas, Florence, Italy.


A reliable management policy should start from a deep knowledge of the available resources. Soil is one of the important natural nonrenewable sources which has vital functions medium for all other organisms. Therefore, Availability of detailed soil properties in a digital format can help better management with better allocation of crops and the needed fertilizers to be used on each crop. Furthermore, soil digital information will facilitate sustainable Land use where crops distribution take place in accordance with soil fertility which in turn saves money, efforts, and time during production cycle. Many tools are available, Remote Sensing RS and Geographic Information System GIS are one of the important tools used in producing digital spatial soil information supported by intensive field work. Landsat TM and ASTER images have been interpreted to delineate land unit base map which has been used later in field work. Each land unit included at least one soil profile, 317 soil profiles have been achieved during field survey (horizons were described, photographed, and sample were collected). Land units have been modified in relation to field observations including morphology and vegetation type. As a result, a detailed digital soil map has been produced for the study area (Larache- Morocco) with detailed database concerning chemical and physical properties. This database will be the corner stone of further important spatial analysis including suitability for rainfed crops, for irrigation, for forest development, and capability analysis.


Larache, Morocco, Soil Digital Mapping, Remote Sensing, GIS, Land Management


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