Vol.3 , No. 4, Publication Date: Sep. 3, 2016, Page: 59-71
[1] | Dorothy Patience Ani, Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Nigeria. |
[2] | Sonny Angus Nnaemeka Chidebelu, Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria. |
[3] | Anselm A. Enete, Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria. |
Efficient marketing system is a stimulant to the development of a nation’s economy. The study examined the pricing efficiency, margins and costs in soyabean marketing in Benue and Enugu States, Nigeria. Primary data were collected using structured questionnaire administered to 207 soyabean marketers who were randomly selected from four purposively selected markets in each State. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics, marketing margin model, ANOVA and t-test. The result showed that mean marketing margin were 19.98% and 20.89% with an overall margin of 20.4%. Average net margin were N405.79 and N786.26 for Benue and Enugu markets respectively which represented 6.24% and 9.84% of the cost price of a 100kg bag of soyabean. Furthermore, it costs N823.25 and N932.06 on the average to market a 100 kg bag of soyabean in Benue and Enugu States, respectively. While there was no significant difference (F= 0.922; P=0.490, F=1.116; P=0.354 and F=1.45; P=0.187) in the marketing margins, costs and net margins across the eight markets sampled, there were significant differences (F=6.307; P≤ 0.01, F=3.557; P ≤0.05 respectively) in the marketing costs and net margins of the different participants. The result of the Posthoc of the ANOVA showed that marketing costs incurred by wholesalers were significantly different from that of retailers and rural assemblers. The items that constituted the major costs in soyabean marketing were transportation (32.82%), storage (19.99%), loading and offloading (8.72%), Bagging and rebagging (8.468%) and commission fee (8.30%). The mean marketing efficiency for Benue and Enugu marketers were 90% and 138% which were significantly different (t=-3.070; P≤ 0.01). The moderately high marketing margin obtained implied inefficiency in soyabean marketing. Their marketing costs were dominated by transportation and handling costs. Enugu marketers were significantly more efficient than their Benue counterparts. More soyabean processing companies should be established. Increased household utilization should be advocated. Infrastructural facilities (such as good roads, market stalls) and market information should be provided to enhance the efficiency of soyabean marketing in the study area.
Efficiency, Margins, Soyabean, Costs, Marketing
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