Vol.3 , No. 6, Publication Date: Dec. 5, 2017, Page: 94-101
[1] | Alejandro Avila Garcia, Department of Electrical Engineering, Center of Research and Advanced Studies, Mexico City, Mexico. |
[2] | Luis Ortega Reyes, Department of Electrical Engineering, Center of Research and Advanced Studies, Mexico City, Mexico. |
[3] | Gabriel Romero-Paredes, Department of Electrical Engineering, Center of Research and Advanced Studies, Mexico City, Mexico. |
[4] | Yuriy Koudriatsev, Department of Electrical Engineering, Center of Research and Advanced Studies, Mexico City, Mexico. |
Metal-insulator-metal (MIM) structures based on non-homogeneous titanium oxide films obtained by thermal oxidation of titanium metallic films were built. Oxygen and titanium concentrations are variable within the films, but a rutile structure is resembled. Digitized current-voltage measurements at room temperature under sinusoidal voltage showed hysteretic behavior. Although none memristive specific model was fitted to the electric data, the basic expressions established by Prof. Chua for the foreseen memristor yielded a detailed description of charge, magnetic flux and memristance along with their evolution during some of the first measurements. The constitutive Flux-Charge and Memristance State-map relationships of our typical device were also derived. The inverse of the experimental constitutive relationship was fitted to a double sigmoidal function. This dependence allowed describing the behavior of the same structure under different biasing waveforms: square, triangular and sawtooth. The largest memristance span turned out from the square waveform. Exponential time-dependences of the resistance between about 5 and 164 kΩ under ± 2 voltages were determined. The process used, which was based on simple spreadsheet calculations can be applied to any experimental memristive device to observe its basic performance and lead to further analysis in terms of some specific model.
Memristive Structure, Thermal Oxidation, Prof. Chua’s Theory
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