Vol.4 , No. 1, Publication Date: Jan. 25, 2018, Page: 1-9
[1] | Innocent Oseribho Oboh, Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, University of Uyo, Uyo, Nigeria. |
Nickel metal contamination exists in industrial processes that use nickel catalysts, such as coal gasification, petroleum refining, and hydrogenation of fats and oils. Therefore, a systematic study on the removal of nickel from wastewater is of considerable significance from an environmental point of view. Luffa cylindrica, a plant material with wide distribution particularly in the tropical world, was characterized as the surface area, chemical bonds, bulk density, Pore size distribution, microstructures, composition, morphology and elemental composition were determined. Biosorption studies were carried out with the dosage varied and the experimental data obtained were fitted to some selected kinetic models. Non-linear regression method was used and the regressed data obtained for the various doses studies ranged from 0.948 to unity. A kinetic model was developed. This empirical model for predicting the sorption capacity for Ni2+ ions sorbed by Luffa cylindrica was derived from the rate constant, equilibrium sorption capacity and the initial sorption rate.
Biosorption, Luffa cylindrica, Empirical Model, Sorption Capacity, Dosage
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