ISSN Print: 2381-0998  ISSN Online: 2381-1005
Journal of Materials Sciences and Applications  
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Simulation of Multi-Plateau-Temperature Process Intended for Simultaneous Gettering of Chromium, Iron and Nickel in Silicon
Journal of Materials Sciences and Applications
Vol.3 , No. 1, Publication Date: Jun. 7, 2017, Page: 8-13
331 Views Since June 7, 2017, 179 Downloads Since Jun. 7, 2017

Nabil Khelifati, Division of Development of Semiconductor Conversion Devices, Research Center in Semiconductor Technology for the Energetic (CRTSE / ex. UDTS), Algiers, Algeria; Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, M'hamed Bougara University of Boumerdès (UMBB), Boumerdès, Algeria.


Djoudi Bouhafs, Division of Development of Semiconductor Conversion Devices, Research Center in Semiconductor Technology for the Energetic (CRTSE / ex. UDTS), Algiers, Algeria.


Seddik-El-Hak Abaidia, Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, M'hamed Bougara University of Boumerdès (UMBB), Boumerdès, Algeria.


Yacine Kouhlane, Division of Development of Semiconductor Conversion Devices, Research Center in Semiconductor Technology for the Energetic (CRTSE / ex. UDTS), Algiers, Algeria.


In this paper, computational results of simultaneous gettering of chromium (Cr), iron (Fe) and nickel (Ni) in p-type silicon by phosphorus diffusion are presented. The study was carried out by a software tool "GetProg" developed in our centre CRTSE. Simulated aspect includes impurity diffusion, segregation and also precipitates dissolution phenomenon. The kinetics of dissolved impurities gettering has been described by a diffusion-segregation equation (DSE) extended by precipitates dissolution term. The input initial parameters of metals in material were mainly taken from experimental results obtained for sheet multicrystalline silicon. The simulation allowed the study of the simultaneous behaviour of Cr, Fe and Ni during an optimized multi-plateau-gettering process (MPG). Two MPG scenarios have been investigated; High-Low and Low-High temperature. The findings demonstrate that the MPG effectiveness of studied metals depends significantly on the nature of metal and its initial concentration, as well as the used MPG scenario.


Silicon, Transition Metals, Simulation, Gettering Optimization


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