Vol.1 , No. 2, Publication Date: Apr. 3, 2015, Page: 70-77
[1] | F. F. Mende, B.I. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering NAS, Ukraine. |
Is proposed the new not destructive method of the study of the physical characteristics of materials and models, based on the measurement of the electric potential, which is formed due to the thermal and kinetic processes in the models. Method gives the possibility to track different thermal and kinetic processes in the models and the materials, and also the kinetics of phase transitions. It is promising for investigating of metals and semiconductors. With its aid it is possible to investigate the first-order transitions, connected with melting and crystallizing the objects indicated. The method examined can be used for the express of the analysis of residual deformations in the mechanical and spring systems in the process of their mechanical load. It can be used also for study and diagnostics of plasma. This method is especially promising, since it is nondestructive, and also it does not influence model itself. Earlier this method was not known. Described the new type of contact potential difference, which appears with the flow of the current through conductors. Contact the potential difference indicated depends on the strength of current, which flows through conductor; therefore it it is possible to name a electrocurent contact potential difference. The results of investigating the electrization of the superconductive windings and tori during the introduction in them of direct currents are represented. Are represented the concept of scalar- vector potential, the assuming dependence of the scalar potential of charge on the speed, with the aid of which it is possible to explain the phenomenon of the electrization of the superconductive tori, during the introduction in them of direct currents. Are proposed the schematics of magnetometers, which make it possible to measure the magnetic fields over a wide range of their values.
Fermi Energy, Planck Constant, Gibs Potential, Contact Potential Difference, Scalar- Vector Potential
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