American Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering  
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Modeling the Bioremediation of Diesel Contaminated Soil by Bacteria from Clogged Drainage System
American Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Vol.4 , No. 2, Publication Date: Jul. 5, 2020, Page: 11-21
3184 Views Since July 5, 2020, 910 Downloads Since Jul. 5, 2020

Ejikeme Ugwoha, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt, Nigeria.


Okechukwu Loius Iwuchukwu, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt, Nigeria.


The contamination of soil with petroleum products is a major environmental issue. The widespread application of diesel in human activities makes it one of the most hazardous petroleum products. Among the available remediation methods, bioremediation has become the main choice for petroleum products contaminated site recovery due to its cost-effectiveness and environmental-friendliness. In this study, the bioremediation of diesel contaminated soil by bacteria from clogged drainage was examined and modeled. Soil samples were contaminated with diesel and inoculated with cultured bacteria isolated from clogged drainage systems for 56 days. Experimental results indicated that Pseudomonas, Micrococcus, Acinetobacter, Bacillus cereus and Providencia species actively participated in the bioremediation process. The percentage reduction of diesel was statistically highly significant (p<0.05) for all five bacterial species and found to be in the following order: Pseudomonas (92.39%) > Acinetobacter (88.29%) > Bacillus cereus (88.11%) > Micrococcus (86.91%) > Providencia (29.64%). The biodegradation data complied with first-order kinetic model. Thus, first-order kinetic models of the biodegradation of diesel in soil for the five active bacteria were developed. The models were used to fit the biodegradation of diesel in soil with correlation coefficient (R2) range of 0.8142 – 0.9599 and p-value range of 0.2879 – 0.8211 (p>0.05), indicating good agreement between the measured and predicted biodegradation of diesel in soil. Therefore, it is concluded that the developed models can adequately predict the biodegradation of diesel in soil with time by the respective bacteria.


Modeling, Bacteria, Biodegradation, Clogged Drainage Systems, Bioremediation, Diesel, Contaminated Soil


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