Vol.3 , No. 3, Publication Date: May 31, 2018, Page: 52-58
[1] | Lu Xiaosong, School of Architecture Engineering, Xi’an Technological University, Xi’an, China. |
The dynamic response of semi-rigid frames is studied by using a computer program-MATLAB. The connection flexibility is modeled by rigidity index , and advanced deflection-rotation equation is used to build the stiffness matrix of semi-rigid element and frames. Having the same geometry and cross-section semi-rigid frames with different indexes, are examined. The reducing coefficient and lateral rigidity values, representing the real behavior of these frames, are determined. To represent the real behavior, all deformations of a frame are accounted for a dynamic analysis with EI-centro wave. Response characteristics of those multistory frames are compared with reference to their model attributes. The study indicates that connection flexibility tends to increase vibration periods, while it causes vibration frequencies decrease.
Semi-rigid, Rigidity Index, Deformation-Rotation Equation, Dynamic Response
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