International Journal of Information Engineering and Applications  
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A Simple Concept on Data Mining: Applications and Techniques
International Journal of Information Engineering and Applications
Vol.1 , No. 2, Publication Date: Apr. 10, 2018, Page: 76-78
781 Views Since April 10, 2018, 255 Downloads Since Apr. 10, 2018

M. A. I. Navid, Department of Science, Ruhea College, Rangpur Division, Bangladesh.


N. H. Niloy, Department of Science, Ruhea College, Rangpur Division, Bangladesh.


Data Mining introduces in clear and simple ways how to use existing data mining methods to obtain effective solutions for a variety of management and engineering design problems. In this article concepts and techniques such as Neural Network, Decision Tree, Clustering, Association Rule, Clustering and many more techniques of Data Mining is reviewed. This paper focuses how different techniques of Data Mining are used in different applications for finding out patterns from the data taken from the data base.


Data Mining, Data Mining Techniques, Database Management Systems, Data Mining Processes


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