International Journal of Information Engineering and Applications  
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A Study of Email Encryption on Android OS
International Journal of Information Engineering and Applications
Vol.1 , No. 2, Publication Date: Mar. 23, 2018, Page: 67-70
932 Views Since March 23, 2018, 347 Downloads Since Mar. 23, 2018

Ghasaq Bahaa Abdulhussein, Department of Computer Network Engineering, Faulty of Art Science &Technology, University of Northampton, Northampton, UK.


In the past, mobile devices are used for making/receiving calls and SMS. Smartphones become the most common and typical mobile devices in recent years. They merge the PDA (personal digital assistant) with the functionality of mobile phone. Moreover, they are provided many functionality of the computers, such as processing, communication, data storage and etc. Also, they provide many services that the computers make them available, for example web browser, video call, GPS, Wi-Fi, different social media application and etc. Recently, email is one of many relevant communication services that accessed commonly using smartphones. One of most popular operating systems in smartphones that using it, is android. In this paper, email encryption on android is present using Asymmetric key for files, emails, and texts to encrypt/ decrypt, sign email/file, and verify. Both OpenKeychain and Samsung email is used in this paper to simulate the use of PGP on android. This paper proposed the use of asymmetric in the same mobile application which is compatible with all OS platforms software.


Mobile Security, Android, Security, Email, Encryption, Public Key


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