International Journal of Information Engineering and Applications  
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Application of SHA-256 in Formulation of Digital Signatures of RSA and Elgamal Cryptosystems
International Journal of Information Engineering and Applications
Vol.1 , No. 2, Publication Date: Mar. 23, 2018, Page: 61-66
771 Views Since March 23, 2018, 656 Downloads Since Mar. 23, 2018

Aderemi Elisha Okeyinka, Department of Computer Science, Landmark University, Omu-Aran, Nigeria.


Oluwatobi Alao, Department of Computer Science, Landmark University, Omu-Aran, Nigeria.


Babatunde Gbadamosi, Department of Computer Science, Landmark University, Omu-Aran, Nigeria.


Roseline Oluwaseun Ogundokun, Department of Computer Science, Landmark University, Omu-Aran, Nigeria.


In this study, the two cryptosystems are considered for computational speed efficiency using SHA-256 in formulation of digital signature. The goal of this study is to observe whether or not the application of SHA-256 hash function would yield any significant difference in the literature position that RSA is a more efficient cryptosystem than Elgamal. The methodology employed involves Java programming implementation of the RSA and Elgamal cryptosystems using SHA-256 hash function. Ten different text data of various sizes are used as input data, and the internal clock of the computer is used in monitoring and calculating the computational speeds of both the RSA and Elgamal. The results obtained show that there is no significant difference in the computational speeds of both strategies. This is unlike the earlier results found in the literature which shows that RSA is more efficient. A plausible explanation for this is that the SHA-256 hash function has a significant effect on the implementation. However, since SHA-256 is just one of the versions of SHA-2 hash family, a study that will consider other members of the SHA-2 family is recommended to enable us formulate a theorem or conjecture on the effect of hash function on cryptosystems, and in particular the RSA and Elgamal cryptosystems.


Cryptosystems, Digital Signature, Elgamal, RSA, SHA-256


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