Vol.2 , No. 1, Publication Date: Jun. 14, 2019, Page: 1-9
[1] | Prince Awojoodu Soji, Department of Computer Science and Mathematics, Oduduwa University, Ipetumodu, Nigeria. |
This research work was carried out, to find the importance of Internet to our society, in the 4 Local governments visited and sampled, namely: (Ife East, Ife South, Ife Central and Ife North), local government areas, in Ile – Ife Kingdom of Osun State, Nigeria. 2,800 open questionnaires were distributed to 4 Local Governments, out of which 700 was used in each local government. A total of 28 different locations were visited and sampled in all the four Local Governments, out of which 100 questionnaires were used in each location. It was gathered that above 70% of the people from the four local governments, supported that Internet was important, to our society, while below 30% of the people could not even understand whether Internet, has importance or not. The results from the questionnaires when using Pearson two-tailed correlation coefficient revealed that there was a significant difference from the summary data collected within the four local government areas visited and sampled, (p > 0.05) table 4. It therefore showed clearly that the above 70% of the people who supported that, Internet was important to our society, has become a reality, (p >0.05) table 4. The reasons may be due to the fact that, despite Internet, being the main medium for communication between computer users, it also provided a lot of latest informative information about businesses, education, e-commerce, etc. This has made Internet played a very important role to our society. Histogram with curve was used to depict the summary data of each of the local government areas sampled in Ile – Ife Kingdom, of Osun State Nigeria.
Different Locations, Internet, 4 Local Governments, Pearson Correlation
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