International Journal of Information Engineering and Applications  
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The Study About Stopping Distance of Vehicles
International Journal of Information Engineering and Applications
Vol.1 , No. 1, Publication Date: Mar. 2, 2018, Page: 18-22
731 Views Since March 2, 2018, 423 Downloads Since Mar. 2, 2018

Zhao Chun-xue, School of Mathematics and Statistics, Anyang Normal University, Anyang, China.


With the surge in the number of motor vehicles and private cars, urban road traffic pressure increases, and rear end collision accidents are increasing day by day. The implementation of the "two seconds" rule and keeping the safety car distance can be effective in preventing the occurrence of rear end collision event. In this paper, we mainly study "two seconds" rule in normal driving conditions through establishing corresponding mathematical model. Results show the "second" law is quite applicable to actual when the vehicle speed is lower than 36 m/s, which provides theory basis for the traffic studies.


Mathematical Modeling, Vehicle Stopping Distance, "Two Seconds" Rule


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