International Journal of Information Engineering and Applications  
Manuscript Information
TCP Flavors Simulation Evaluations over Noisy Environment
International Journal of Information Engineering and Applications
Vol.1 , No. 1, Publication Date: Feb. 12, 2018, Page: 11-17
813 Views Since February 12, 2018, 325 Downloads Since Feb. 12, 2018

Elsadig Gamaleldeen Elsadig Karar, Department of Computer Sciences, Faculty of Applied Sciences & Computer, Omdurman Ahlia University, Khartoum, Sudan.


The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) Flavors was simulated using OPNET simulation tool in a noisy wireless environment to observer TCP behavior and select the suitable protocol to be used. The simulation was done in a client server network and get the output from the packet analyzers. The simulation is done in the noisy environment with a configuration of a low bandwidth starting from 128 Kbps up to 1 MB, burst traffic and a high delay in RTT time to give a really environment and the result was that the TCP New Reno is the best flavor that can be used in the noisy environment.


TCP Flavors, Simulation, Noisy Environment


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