International Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology  
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Evaluation of Mutagenic Effects in a Bioindicator from the Radiation Dose Rates Exposed in Radiological Clinics
International Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
Vol.5 , No. 1, Publication Date: Jan. 13, 2020, Page: 8-14
3026 Views Since January 13, 2020, 563 Downloads Since Jan. 13, 2020

Teresa Cristina dos Santos Leal, Coordinator of the Study and Research, Health Department, Inspirar College, Curitiba, Paraná.


Daisy Maria Silva Chiareli Vallim, Coordinator of the Study and Research, Health Department, Inspirar College, Curitiba, Paraná.


Alaercio Aparecido de Oliveira, Coordinator of the Study and Research, Health Department, Inspirar College, Curitiba, Paraná.


Since its discovery in 1896, ionizing radiation has been increasingly used both in medicine and in other areas, a fact that has led to extraordinary advances in health. The use of biomonitors, also known as sentinel organisms, has long been used to warn people of hazardous environments. They can be defined as indicator systems that usually include subsystems of a complete organism used to identify a specific target. In the present study, it is proposed an analysis of the mutational biological effects produced by low doses of ionizing radiation in biological samples placed in radiological examination clinics for environmental monitoring purposes. For this, Tradescantia pallida was used to verify dose sensitivity / response to biomonitoring through the micronucleus test. The plants were exposed for 24 hours in previously selected locations in clinics in Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Curitiba. At each site, three biomonitoring points were chosen. The results obtained at these sites pointed to a small increase in the frequency of micronuclei per biosensor cell analyzed. Through these data, a low dose mutagenic effects scale was constructed. Tradescantia pallida has offered a good alternative in the assessment of environmental biomonitoring for prevention and safety of employees and patients, being a great alternative tool for the study of the effects of ionizing radiation and prevention. It can be used as a landscaping adornment and as a warning system.


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