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Computational and Applied Mathematics Journal  
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Services Based on Cloud Resources
Computational and Applied Mathematics Journal
Vol.1 , No. 2, Publication Date: Mar. 27, 2015, Page: 36-43
1367 Views Since March 27, 2015, 598 Downloads Since Apr. 12, 2015

Eliza Consuela Isbăşoiu, Faculty Accounting and Finance, Spiru Haret University, Campulung Muscel, Romania.


Cloud computing seems to be the future the IT industry casts up on. The technological revolution was always orientated towards both the performance increasing and miniaturizing. Cloud technology strongly penetrated for the latest years. In their turn, the IT users apply it for storing up pieces of information as the following types: e-mail, electronic agenda and film stream. There are several types of Cloud Computing. The key factor of all of them is the elimination of the expensive IT resources. A cloud environment offers an illusion of processing and maintaining capacities. It is considered to be infinite, only the users and the work frequency are to be changed. The usage of these services supposes the renouncement up on the own IT structure and the hiring the stocking units, as well as investments in order to accede different applications via Internet. The implementing of this method could create millions of working places; it is at the same time a friendly environment technology, as it uses less energy than the traditional solutions and offers a greater flexibility. The present report deals with aspects connected with architecture and design, services based on agent, negotiation, monitoring and reconfiguration.


Cloud Computing, Architecture and Design, Services Based on Agent, Negotiation, Monitoring and Reconfiguration


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Ivanka Menken, Cloud Computing: The Complete Cornerstone Guide to Cloud Computing Best Practices, 2008


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